QuakeLab's FREE resource:

This toolkit is designed to support informed and open conversations with your workforce to identify wants and needs of employees, as well as concerns and opportunities. Asking these questions can help understand the existing gaps in order to move forward with an equitable framework. This resource is for you if:

  • You are not interested or invested in creating structures that only benefit the majority;

  • You know there is no one-size-fits-all solution and are prepared to prioritize those who will be most disenfranchised by any one choice;

  • You want to understand what your team is most concerned about; e.g. commute, safety, work-life balance;

QuakeLab's free resource

The Equity and returning to the office survey is totally free and downloadable. The rest of the tool kit (a guide to analyzing your survey and creating a safe return from racialized and marginalized staff is available for CAD 300.

  • 1

    Equity and returning to the office: *FREE* Survey

  • 2

    A guide to analyzing your survey

    • QL: Analysis Guide for your “back to work” survey

  • 3

    Guide to creating a safe return for racialized and marginalized staff

    • QL: Racialized and Marginalized staff safety guide

Pricing options

We're committed to making QuakeLab's Inclusive Recruitment Guide affordable to organizations that work with BIPOC and equity-seeking groups. If you are a not-for-profit or community-based organization, please contact us for special pricing options.